The 21st century is an era of new dimensions, new openings, endless opportunities, and insane innovations, which have brought a massive shift in the education system. At Sophia College we strive to impart these skills to students through relevant learning and teaching programs. 21st century learning prepares students for the future world of work and supports them to be critical and creative-thinkers, communicators, and collaborators. By explicitly teaching 21 century skills our students will have the tools at their disposal to help them learn how to conduct inquiry, to be problem solvers, and finders.
Students need to be able to communicate their learning and learn with and from others. They also need to be able to critically evaluate information and ideas. To support students in this journey they need to be guided through the process. They need to see how experts approach these processes. They need opportunities to practise these skills, to be given tools to use and be shown how and when to use them.
In order to equip students with the above-mentioned tools, skills and to develop life-long learning dispositions, at Sophia College we have two distinct yet complimentary pedagogical approaches.
Explicit Direct Instruction
Our Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) approach to teaching, encompasses research-based instructional practices explored by cognitive and educational researchers. It is an approach to teaching that is based on the premise that all students can learn and helps teachers deliver effective lessons that can significantly improve achievement. Explicit Direct Instruction is characterised by carefully planned and sequenced lessons; clear and detailed instructions and modelling; and frequent and systematic monitoring of student progress and feedback to students.
Inquiry-based Learning
Inquiry-based Learning is a form of active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios. The overall goal is for students to make meaning. Inquiry-based learning is an approach to learning that emphasises the student's role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas. This approach to learning allows students to develop learning dispositions which will hold them in good stead to be life-long learners.
By using a combination of these pedagogies, Explicit-Inquiry, Sophia College is committed to paving the way for a successful learning journey for each and every student.