Enrolment Criteria and Process

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sophia College is a Catholic, co-educational secondary college in the Franciscan tradition and is a proud member of the south east Queensland network of Catholic schools.

The college is part of the Church’s mission to educate and support the faith of its members.

Through an equitable and just enrolment process, the college is open and accessible to all families who seek to share and support its Gospel values. We extend particular assistance to students at the margins of society. The college implements the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Enrolment Application Support Process for students requiring educational adjustments.

Our criteria - in order of priority - is applied when enrolling students

  1. Baptised Catholic from a Catholic school (Baptism Certificate supports this criteria)
  2. Sibling of a currently enrolled student
  3. Baptised Catholic from a non-Catholic school (Baptism Certificate supports this criteria)
  4. (a) Students currently​ attending a local Brisbane Catholic Education school from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of the school and who are willing to support and contribute to the school’s vision and ethos
    (b) Students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of the school and who are willing to support and contribute to the school’s vision and ethos
  5. Students that are not Baptised

Enrolment process

  1. Families complete the application process online via the college website. If you cannot access the online process, please contact us for assistance. Provide all documentation as requested.
  2. Applications are processed as they are submitted. Once the college is established, applications will typically be processed three years prior to enrolment.  We can take applications from Year 2 (to commence in Year 7).
  3. Offers of a place will be made once all relevant paperwork is received, and after a successful enrolment interview.
  4. A $100 non-refundable fee will be required to confirm an offer of enrolment.​​​​​​​  This is only to be paid once offer has been offically given.​​



In accepting an offer of enrolment, families and students will:

  • share in the expressed values of the college
  • contribute positively and actively to enhance the spiritual life of the college
  • commit to and support the Guidelines for the Religious Life of the School
  • participate in and contribute to the achievement of the college’s mission
  • abide by college rules
  • pay fees and charges in a timely manner.

Supporting policies 

The college’s enrolment process complies with the Brisbane Catholic Education policies​.​