
​Whether students are looking for a high-performance environment or they simply love activity and wish to participate, students have the opportunity to find their place to nurture their sporting passions and strengths.

Sport is an integral component of the well-rounded educational experience offered at Sophia College. The College values its commitment to allowing students to be the best version of themselves, including on the sporting field.

Every student is encouraged to participate in a sports program, which caters for the beginning sports person through to the elite athlete.


Sophia College Carnivals

The College holds three inter-school sporting carnivals throughout the academic year. These act as platforms for students to represent the College Metropolitan West (Met West) competitions. 

The College's carnivals are held during the following periods:

Term 1: Swimming Carnival & Cross Country Carnival

Term 2: Track and Field Carnival


Representative Sport

Primary Sports

Sophia College provides the opportunity to engage in sports at the highest level in Queensland and Australia.

The College has three primary sports which provide students with training and coaching to develop their skills whilst providing the most professional sporting environment whilst having partnerships with local and state organisations to further student development. Primary Sports are the premiere teams of the College and provide offerings for both male and female students. Our Primary Sports include:

  • Football
  • Touch Football
  • Volleyball

Additional Sports

The College also can participate in a variety of sports throughout the year, whether in inter-house competitions or inter-school competitions.  These sports are subject to change and are assessed on an annual basis.  Additional sports include:

  • ​AFL
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Netball
  • Rugby League
  • Tennis

Specialist Programs

In addition to the College's sports, specialist programs are offered throughout the year to provide additional athletics or personal development for students. The programs are targeted at events or goals throughout the course of the academic year. Specialist programs include:

  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Kokoda Challenge
  • Cross Country Team
  • Track and Field Team
  • Pre-season Preparation​

District and Regional Sport

Sophia College is a member of Metropolitan West which provides students in Years 7 to 12 with a variety of sporting opportunities to represent their district, Western Ranges District School Sport.

​Sports Info​​​​rmation Booklet

2024 Sophia College Sports Information Booklet.pdf

Sporting Partners

The College wishes to acknowledge the contribution of its 2024 Sporting Partners:​

Updated Mid 2024 Sporting Partners.png

Logos used with written permission.